

Hi, I am Shinstya. Most people called me, Shins. I thought it would be better with Z, Sinzz *sounds crunchy* I lives in Bali, Indonesia. 90’s era. Dragon Aquarian. Here’s you can read some of my beauty and daily journal. I hope I can help you to give some informations you needed *although only a few* when you read my post.

This blog is written by me and consists of my experiences and opinions. I mostly review products and I always give my 100% honest opinion about them. When the products mentioned / reviewed are purchased by me, I do not receive any compensation to review the products. When the products sent to me as press samples and commercial / paid ads, it will written as endorsement. Well, I am just mediocre employee, so I can not give you medical advise for the products, sorry. I simply recommend products that work for me and can not guarantee any results on anyone else. Better consult to your physician / doctor / dermatologist if you had any reactions or adverse medical conditions.

Don’t be shy to say Hi, simply just drop an email to shinstya@gmail.com and it will be nice to follow all my social media.

@siinzz 💕